- I am a UK resident. Does Brexit change how MyFitnessPal handles my Personal Data?
No, MyFitnessPal will still provide the same level of data protection whether you are in the UK or the EU. Additional information on how MyFitnessPal processes your Personal Data is available in our Privacy Policy.
- I am a UK resident. Post Brexit, will my Personal Data be transferred differently to other countries?
No, MyFitnessPal will continue to use the data transfer methods outlined in our Privacy Policy to comply with international data transfer laws. The UK government has recognized existing data transfer methods as adequate. For more information on the UK’s stance on data protection post Brexit please see: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/data-protection-law-eu-exit/amendments-to-uk-data-protection-law-in-the-event-the-uk-leaves-the-eu-without-a-deal-on-29-march-2019.
- I am a UK resident. Will I have the same privacy rights post Brexit?
You will still have the same data subject access rights as EU residents hold under the GDPR post Brexit. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information on those rights and how to access them.
- Do you have a UK DPO?
You can contact the DPO that is responsible for your country/region at Privacy@myfitnesspal.com
If you don't see your question here, please reach out to the support team at https://myfitnesspal.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
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