If you would prefer to prevent your friends who use MyFitnessPal from finding your profile when searching by your email address, it's simple to opt out of this social feature using our full website, or our iPhone, iPad or Android apps.
På nettet
- Logg deg inn på området på www.myfitnesspal.com . Mobile app-brukere bør logge inn med samme brukernavn og passord som de bruker i programmet.
- Once you've logged in, click "My Home" then "Settings" then "Change email address/email preferences" and make sure the box is unchecked next to "Allow people to see that I am on MyFitnessPal and easily add me as a friend." Be sure to click "Save Changes" when you are finished
I vår iPhone og iPad apps
- Tap "More" then "Settings" and make sure "People Can Find Me by My Email Address is set to "Off."
I vår Android app
- Tap "Settings" then "Misc. Settings" and make sure "People Can Find Me by My Email Address is unchecked.
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