If you would like to re-link your MyFitnessPal account to a different Facebook account than you originally selected, please take the following steps in a web browser to ensure the process is successful:
- Log in to the MyFitnessPal website
- Click "My Home" then "Settings" then "Facebook Sharing Settings"
- Disconnect from Facebook
- Log into Facebook on the web with the account that was previously connected to MyFitnessPal
- Go to "App Center"
- Click on "Your Apps"
- Locate "MyFitnessPal" on this page
- Click on the "X" in the upper right hand corner as you mouse over MyFitnessPal
- Log out of Facebook
- Log back into Facebook with the newly desired Facebook account
- Return to the MyFitnessPal website
- Click "My Home" then "Settings" then "Facebook Sharing Settings"
- Connect with Facebook
You will be asked to allow the link to Facebook, and this will complete the process.
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