Food items can be removed from the Frequent list using our website. Currently, frequently used food items cannot be deleted using our mobile apps. We will consider adding this feature in a future update.
To delete items, log in to our website at Mobile app users should log in using the same username and password they use in the app.
Once you've logged in, click the "Food" tab, then click "Add Food" below the meal whose list you'd like to edit, then click the "Frequent" tab. Check the box next to the items you'd like to remove, then click the "Delete from list" button at the bottom of the page.
Please note that items removed in this way are "blacklisted" from appearing on the list again. In other words, this is not a temporary deletion, but a permanent ban on that foods return to your "Frequent" list. Users who have made a radical change in their eating habits will use this to remove the junk food from their lists, for example.
If you would like to allow some or all of the items to return to your Frequent list, click the "View Deleted Items" button at the bottom of the list. Place a check next to any items in the list and then "restore" them to the pool of foods permitted to accumulate in your Most Used list.
Items removed from the Most Used list on the website may also disappear from Frequent list in the app the next time the app syncs.