Most products and apps that integrate with MyFitnessPal fit into one of the following categories.
Products in this category will update your weight on MyFitnessPal (and in many cases your body fat percentage).
Some of our partners in this category include:
- Fitbit
- Withings Health mate
- VeSync
- Renpho Health
- Wahoo
- Qardio Scale
More details about this type of integration are available here.
Individual Cardio Exercise Partners
Products in this category will monitor your activity during workouts sessions from running to swimming, and will update the results to your Exercise Diary on MyFitnessPal.
Some of our partners in this category include
- 12WBT
- C25K
- Digifit
- Expresso Exercise Bikes
- FINIS Swimsense
- FitStar
- LFconnect
- MapMyFitness
- MapMyRide
- MapMyRun
- MapMyWalk
- Netpulse
- PEAR Sports Training Intelligence
- Polar
- Runtastic
- Sworkit -Circuit Training
- Wahoo
More details about this type of integration are available here.
Total Energy Partners
Products in this category will monitor your entire day's activity, using the results to precisely update your Net Calorie goal.
Some of our partners in this category include
- Fitbit
- Garmin Connect
- Misfit
- Withings Health Mate
- Polar
- Samsung Health
- Google Fit
- Health Connect
- Apple Watch
More details about this type of integration are available here.
Glucose Level Partners
Users who sync their Glucose information from their Dexcom G6 app to Google Health Connect can view that information in the MyFitnessPal Android application.
More details about this integration are available here.
Data Sharing Partners
Products in this category collect current data from your MyFitnessPal account and allow you to view and analyze it in new and compelling ways.
Our partners in this category include
- Glow
- Virgin Pulse
More details about this type of integration are available here.
Additionally, go here to view the entire App Gallery on our website of if you are using our iOS and Android apps, select the more button (iOS) or drop down menu (Android) and then tap "Apps & Devices".
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