Users who sync their Sleep information into Apple Health or Health Connect can now view that information in the MyFitnessPal application.
This data is only available to users who have connected their Apple Health (iOS) or Health Connect (Android) apps to MyFitnessPal, have updated the necessary permissions, and have sleep data available in those apps to send to MyFitnessPal.
Since this feature is made available through Apple Health or Health Connect, it is currently only available via the MyFitnessPal apps. This data is not available on the MyFitnessPal website at this time.
How to link MyFitnessPal with Apple Health (iOS)
How to link MyFitnessPal with Health Connect (Android)
What Sleep Partners will sync from Apple Health / Health Connect to MyFitnessPal?
Sleep Insights
Sleep Stages
Sleep Factors
Troubleshooting - Checking on the Connection (Apple Health)
Troubleshooting - Checking on the Connection (Health Connect)
Troubleshooting - Connected but no Data (Apple Health)
Troubleshooting - Connected but no Data (Health Connect)
How to link MyFitnessPal with Apple Health (iOS)
- Tap ••• More from the bottom menu bar to find Sleep listed under Intermittent Fasting.
- Tap Update Permissions to open the Apple Health app
- Toggle the switch across from Sleep to the on position
- Once the toggle shows the green on position tap Allow from the top right of the screen
- Return to the MyFitnessPal app and tap See My Data
- Sleep should now be imported into your MFP account
How to link MyFitnessPal with Health Connect (Android)
- Tap Menu from the bottom menu bar to find Sleep listed under Intermittent Fasting.
- Tap Set Up Health Connect/Update Permissions to open the Health Connect app
- Toggle the switch across from Allow All to the on position
- Once the toggle shows the blue on position, return to the MyFitnessPal App
- Return to the MyFitnessPal app and tap See My Data
- Sleep should now be imported into your MFP account
What Sleep Partners will sync from Apple Health / Health Connect to MyFitnessPal?
The sleep data that shows up in MyFitnessPal's sleep section is sleep data we are getting from Health Connect or Apple Health. Where that data comes from is based on what apps and devices you use to track your sleep. This data will sync to MyFitnessPal once you update the permissions to allow MyFitnessPal to sync this sleep data.
Example (iOS) Apple Health Sleep Partners:
- Apple iPhone and Watches
- Sleep Cycle
- Pillow
- Garmin
- Withings
- Sleep ++
- Auto Sleep
- Whoop
- Oura
Example (Android) Health Connect Sleep Partners:
- Pixel Watch
- Galaxy Watch (Wear OS)
- Fitbit
- Oura
- Whoop
Sleep Insights
Integrating sleep data with your MyFitnessPal logging activity can help you understand why you're sleeping like a baby—or not at all.
- Each day, check your sleep data from the day before. Did you get enough? How is your energy and mood?
- Then look at the meals you logged that day. If it was a restless night, could food have been a factor?
Connecting these dots will help you choose which eating habits to keep, and which to change for a better night's sleep.
Sleep Stages
Some partners will sync Sleep Stages with MyFitnessPal.
- Awake: It's normal to wake up briefly several times a night. You may not even remember! But a few minutes here and there can add up to affect your total
REM: Rapid eye movement sleep is essential for memory formation and brain development. This is when you have your most vivid
Core(iOS) / Light(Android): During this "light sleep" stage, muscles relax, breathing slows, and your body temp drops. You'll spend about half your night here
Deep: This is the most restorative (and important) stage of sleep, vital for muscle repair, cell regeneration, and immunity.
Example Partners that will sync Sleep Stages:
- Apple Watch, Pixel Watch, Galaxy Watch
- Oura
- Garmin (will only sync with Apple Health)
- Pillow (will only sync with Apple Health)
If your sleep stages in MyFitnessPal say N/A your device either doesn't track individual sleep stages, or does not share that data.
Sleep Factors
MyFitnessPal Premium offers Sleep Factors which features a progress bar that lets you compare your exercise, sugar intake, and hydration for the entire day to your daily sleep trends. If you are a Premium user this progress bar can be found below your Sleep Stages.
MyFitnessPal Premium offers users the ability to track when they ate their food using our Food Timestamps feature.
If you are a Premium user who would like to enable Timestamps so you can see them as a Sleep Inight: Tap the More or Menu button > Settings > Diary Settings > Enable "Show Food Timestamps".
You can also enable Timestamps by tapping on the "i" next to "Foods Logged" in the Sleep section of the app.
Please note: Timestamps will not be added to foods users have entered before turning the timestamp feature on. Users can manually update the timestamp on those diary entries after toggling timestamps on.
Without Timestamps With Timestamps
Troubleshooting - Checking on the Connection (Apple Health)
Before your sleep information can sync to MyFitnessPal, it will first need to sync with Apple Health. If you are not seeing your sleep partner information in Apple Health you will want to troubleshoot the connection between your sleep partner and Apple Health. If this is the case, you might want to contact your sleep partner for further help.
If you see your sleep information in Apple Health and you still aren't seeing any data in MyFitnessPal, you will want to check to make sure permissions are still established. To check on this please navigate to Settings > Health > Data & Devices > MyFitnessPal
This will take you to your Apple Health permissions screen where you can scroll down to ensure all permissions (including Sleep) are toggled On. If you are having trouble finding the permissions screen, please reach out to our Support Team.
Troubleshooting - Checking on the Connection (Health Connect)
Before your sleep information can sync to MyFitnessPal, it will first need to sync with Health Connect. If you are not seeing your sleep partner information in Health Connect, you will want to troubleshoot the connection between your sleep partner and Health Connect. If this is the case, you might want to contact your sleep partner for further help.
If you see your sleep information in Health Connect and you still aren't seeing any data in MyFitnessPal, you will want to check to make sure permissions are still established. To check on this please navigate to More > Apps & Devices > Connected > Health Connect > Manage.
This will take you to your Health Connect permissions screen where you can tap on App permissions > MyFitnessPal to ensure all permissions are toggled On. If you are having trouble finding the permissions screen, please reach out to our Support Team.
Troubleshooting - Connected but no Data (Apple Health)
If you find your permissions are turned on and your sleep information (showing in Apple Health) has not synced to MyFitnessPal, please go to •••More in MyFitnessPal > and tap Sync to perform a manual sync.
This should force a sync in MyFitnessPal. If this does not work, please check for any updates in the App store for all three apps (MyFitnessPal, Health Connect, and your sleep partner sending data to Apple Health).
If you are not due for any updates and force syncing does not help resolve your problem, would you try to force close the apps and then re-open the apps to see if that helps?
To force close the app, swipe up from the bottom of the iPhone screen until you see a view of your open apps. You can then swipe up on MyFitnessPal to close it. You can then tap anywhere on your screen to go back to your home screen and reopen MyFitnessPal.
If force closing does not help, please try powering your phone off and then back on. Please make sure you shut it completely down and not just into sleep mode. You'll want to try forcing a sync (••More > Sync) after you reopen the app.
If your information still isn't syncing after a restart and force-sync, this means that Apple Health is not communicating with MyFitnessPal. To resolve this problem, please follow these instructions to reconnect Apple Health.
Troubleshooting - Connected but no Data (Health Connect)
If you find your permissions are turned on and your sleep information (showing in Health Connect) has not synced to MyFitnessPal, please go to •••More in MyFitnessPal > and tap Sync to perform a manual sync.
This should force a sync in MyFitnessPal. If this does not work, please check for any updates in the Google Play store for all three apps (MyFitnessPal, Health Connect, and your sleep partner sending data to Health Connect).
If you are not due for any updates and force syncing does not help resolve your problem, would you try to force close the apps and then re-open the apps to see if that helps?
To force close the app, open the Menu and tap "Settings," then "Applications," then "Manage Applications." Find "MyFitnessPal" in your list of apps and tap on it, then tap the "Force Close" button. You can then hit the Home key on your Android phone and reopen MyFitnessPal.
If force closing does not help, please try powering your phone off and then back on. Please make sure you shut it completely down and not just into sleep mode. You'll want to try forcing a sync (••More > Sync) after you reopen the app.
If your information still isn't syncing after a restart and force-sync, this means that Health Connect is not communicating with MyFitnessPal. To resolve this problem, please follow these instructions to reconnect Health Connect
If you find that these instructions have not helped with your data sync issue, please reach out to our Support Team or email us directly at letting us know the steps you've already taken citing Sleep Sync in the subject line.
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