MyFitnessPal pulls your calorie burn directly from our total daily calorie App Gallery partners. We then project forward to the end of the day based on your calorie burn so far. If this full-day number is different than MyFitnessPal’s estimate for your daily calorie burn, an adjustment will be made to your caloric intake goal. This adjustment can either be positive or negative. If the adjustment is positive, this indicates that your calorie burn for the day as reported by our partner is greater than MyFitnessPal’s estimate. If the adjustment is negative this indicates that the partner's reported calorie burn is lower than MyFitnessPal’s estimate.
Details about the calculation of any adjustment can be viewed by clicking the small "i" next to the adjustment in your Exercise Diary (on the full website), or by tapping the adjustment itself in the Exercise Diary of the latest MyFitnessPal iOS or Android apps.
Because the adjustment value is recalculated every time your device uploads new data, you should expect this value to change over the course of the day.
By default, MyFitnessPal will show you only positive calorie adjustments. To permit negative adjustments, log in to the full MyFitnessPal site at and click "My Home" then "Settings" then "Diary Settings." Check the box for "Enable Negative Adjustments" then click "Save Changes"
If you are typically unable to sync your device until late in the day, you may wish to leave negative adjustments "off."
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