For foods that you regularly eat together, saving them as a Meal lets you easily add them to your diary as a group. For example, you can create a Meal called "Two eggs and cereal" consisting of two eggs a bowl of cereal, and milk. You can then add this as a group, instantly, instead of adding each item separately. You can also save a single item as a meal, if finding that item in your Meals list adds convenience.
To create a Meal, just log the items you'd like to combine to one section of your diary, then:
On the Web
- Click "Quick Tools" then "Remember Meal" and give the meal a name.
In our Mobile apps
- Select the wrench icon next to the meal name, then select "Remember Meal" and give the meal a name
When you are logging food in the future, you'll find your remembered meals in the "Meals" tab of the food search screen.
For information on editing or deleting remembered meals, please see this article.
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