If you'd like to change your starting weight and date, remove erroneous entries, or add weight entries prior to your start date with MyFitnessPal, you can do so by logging into our website. Mobile app users should log in using the same email address and password they use in the app.
Once you've logged in, click:
- My Home
- Check-in
- Edit Previous Entries.
On that page, you can delete weight entries, or add new entries for any date. Any changes you make will be synced to the app automatically once the app is connected to the internet.
Users of our apps can also update their starting weight by going to the menu or "more" page > Goals > then tap "Starting Weight" at the top. Users can also remove erroneous weight or measurement entries by swiping the entry from right to left in the list, then tapping the revealed "Delete" button.
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