How do I use Sign In with Apple?
Currently, this option is only available on our iOS mobile apps and is unavailable on Android or web interfaces.
If you have a MyFitnessPal account already, you can elect to Sign In with Apple by doing the following:
- Tap Log in >> Continue with Apple
- MyFitnessPal
- Once authenticated, a link is established between your Apple ID and your MyFitnessPal account
- Your email and password for MyFitnessPal will remain unchanged. You can disconnect the two accounts in your Apple ID Settings.
If you wish to create a MyFitnessPal account using Sign In with Apple:
- Select Sign Up >> Continue with Apple
- Tap Continue >> choose whether or not to share your Apple ID email with MyFitnessPal.
- When prompted, you will then be asked to authenticate using either your Apple ID password, Face ID, or Touch ID
- Finally, please enter the required information for account creation with MyFitnessPal.
After I choose to Sign In with Apple, what is my MyFitnessPal account password?
If you have already established a password for your MyFitnessPal account, it is unchanged.
If you create your MyFitnessPal account by using Sign In with Apple, our systems will generate a random password for your account, which you can reset anytime by tapping the “Forgot Password?” option on our login page, or by visiting:
Please note that you may use your email and password to login to our platform at any time, even if you have previously opted to Sign In with Apple.
I’m trying to reset my password for MyFitnessPal but am not receiving the password reset email. What can I do?
If you used Sign In with Apple to create your MyFitnessPal account and chose to hide your Apple ID, you may have opted out of having emails from us forwarded to you.
To change this:
- Open the Settings app on your phone
- Tap into your Apple ID settings
- Select Password & Security >> Sign in with Apple >> Apps using your Apple ID
- Select MyFitnessPal >> toggle Forward to back on.
If you re-request a password reset email from MyFitnessPal, you should now receive it to the email address associated with your Apple ID.
How can I see the email address associated with my MyFitnessPal account if I opted to hide my Apple ID email upon account creation?
- Open the Settings app on your phone
- Tap into your Apple ID settings
- Select Password & Security >> Sign in with Apple >> Apps using your Apple ID
- Select MyFitnessPal >> You should be able to see your 'hidden' email there
- You can use that to log into your account on MyFitnessPal
How can I disconnect my Apple ID from my MyFitnessPal account?
You may disconnect your Apple ID and MyFitnessPal accounts via your Apple ID Settings.
- Open the Settings app on your phone
- Tap into your Apple ID settings
- Select Password & Security >> Sign in with Apple >> Apps using your Apple ID
- Select MyFitnessPal >> then select Stop Using Apple ID
Currently, I sign in with Facebook to log in to MyFitnessPal. Can I use Sign In with Apple, too?
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