Your Calorie Goals Are Now Easier To Reach With MyFitnessPal Calorie Goals by Meal feature.
Let’s imagine a situation that many of us are pretty familiar with...
It’s the beginning of the day and you have your entire calorie goal in front of you. You’re feeling good. But then maybe you add some extra bacon to your breakfast sandwich. Or your coworker brings in cupcakes for someone’s birthday. Or you get busy at work and skip lunch. All of the sudden, it’s dinner time and you have way too many or way too few calories left. You find yourself wishing there was an easier way to make sure you’re on track at each meal so you hit your calorie goal at the end of the day. Well, now there is.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Calorie Goals By Meal Feature
Can I Turn Calorie Goals By Meal Off?
I don't see my question listed, how can I still receive an answer?
How Do I Use This Feature?
To enable Calorie Goals By Meal on your Android device, please:
- Tap the three horizontal lines in the top left of the "Home" to open Menu Bar
- Then tap "Goals"
- Followed by "Calories By Meal"
- Toggle the switch to the on position, enter in you goals for each meal, then tap the checkmark in the top right to save
- That's it! Your diary will now show your meal-by-meal progress as you add entries
Side Note: Once you enable Meal Goals, you can easily jump back to the edit page by tapping any of the listed goal numbers within you diary page.
To enable Calorie Goals By Meal on your iOS device, please:
- Tap "More" to open Menu Bar
- Then tap "Goals"
- Followed by "Calorie Goals By Meal"
- Toggle the switch to the on position, enter in you goals for each meal, then tap the checkmark in the top right to save
- That's it! Your diary will now show your meal-by-meal progress as you add entries
Side Note: Once you enable Meal Goals, you can easily jump back to the edit page by tapping any of the listed goal numbers within you diary page.
To change Calorie Goals By Meal on the website, please:
- Tap "Home" to open Menu Bar
- Then tap "Goals"
- Followed "Edit" in the "Calorie Goals By Meal" box
- Enter in you goals for each meal, then select "Save Changes"
- That's it! Your diary will now show your meal-by-meal progress as you add entries
Can I Turn Calorie Goals By Meal Meal Off?
You can turn this feature off by following similar steps you used when originally activating this feature:
- Tap "More" to open Menu Bar (Tap the three horizontal lines in the top left for Android)
- Then tap "Goals"
- Followed by "Calorie Goals By Meal"
- Finally, toggle the switch to the off position
I don't see my question listed, how can I still receive an answer?
Apologies if this page hasn't been any help to you. Can you please contact us with the missing question through this link? Our Customer Happiness team will review the question and get back to you with an answer in a timely fashion.
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