Our Recipe Importer feature allows you to quickly import recipes from popular recipe websites, or to easily match lists of manually entered ingredients to food items in our database.
The Recipe Importer is currently available to all English-speaking visitors to our website at https://www.MyFitnessPal.com.
(Instructions for our original recipe tool are available here. Non-English speaking users will see the original tool ).
From the Home page of the website, click "Food" then "Recipes."
In the box at the top of the page, paste or type the web address (URL) of the recipe you'd like to import from a recipe website. (For example, http://recipesite.com/recipe1 )
The import process should result in a list of ingredients appearing, one ingredient per line. Please remove any extraneous content such as preparation instructions. (The imported recipe, when saved to your recipe list, will include a link to the recipe site where you can review the preparation instructions at any time!)
If you are entering a recipe manually, or wish to paste a list of ingredients, click "Add Recipe Manually" and enter ingredients and their amounts, one per line.
Once you have imported a URL or entered a list of ingredients, make sure your recipe has a name, and the number of servings has been correctly set, then click "Match Ingredients." The Importer will show a list of suggested matching items from our food database.
Items successfully matched will display a green check mark. You can search for a different match or make changes to the quantity by hovering over an item and clicking the "Edit" link.
Items that were not matched successfully will show a red "x" and a list of possible matches. Select the best match, enter the correct quantity, and click the grey check mark to approve the ingredient. If no good match is found, click the "Edit" link at the top right of the ingredient's row and you can perform a manual search for a better match.
When selecting the quantity of the ingredient, we have provided a conversion tool so that you can select the correct unit of measurement. However, units can only be converted within the same type of measurement. That is, items entered in our database by weight (for instance, in ounces) can be converted to other weight measures such as pounds or grams. Items entered by volume (for instance, in cups) can be converted to other volume measures such as tablespoons or liquid ounces. If you do not find the correct unit available in the menu, please look for a database item with the correct type of measurement in the list of suggested items, or by performing a manual search.
Once all items are matched in the list, click either the "Save" or "Save & Log It" buttons at the top of the page. "Save" will store the recipe in your Recipe Box for later logging, "Save & Log It" saves the recipe, but also asks to which meal, and to which diary date, you'd like to add the recipe.
Once an item is saved in your Recipe Box, you can click on the item to edit the recipe.
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