If the issue you're reporting is listed below, it's on our radar and under investigation. Where appropriate, we will note any temporary workarounds. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by these issues. In all cases, a fix is in the works.
If your issue is not listed below, please try uninstalling and reinstalling first, as this often resolves unexpected issues. If that doesn't resolve things, please send us an email about the issue so we can address it.
We will update this article as fixes for the issues listed here are released:
Issue: Photos not attaching to a status post when in Landscape
- Workaround: After taking the photo, turn the device to Portrait before "confirming", or take the photo first and add it from your camera roll
Fixed in 24.25.1: Week view for Calories in Nutrition reports not loading
Fixed in 24.21.0: Diary entries duplicate after editing the number of servings and/or serving size
Fixed in 24.17.0: Items duplicate after being copied over from previous Diary entry
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