If you have a MyFitnessPal account, your data should automatically be backed up to our servers whenever you launch the app with a working internet connection on a supported device. You can verify whether the data is properly syncing and up to date by visiting the website at www.myfitnesspal.com. Be sure to double check you are logging in with the correct email address and password when reviewing your diary and profile information.
The last title in the Menu (or the "More" page) is "Sync" and will display the time of the last successful sync with our servers. You can manually request a sync attempt by tapping this title.
*If the sync status does not update, try moving to an area with a stronger cellular or wi-fi signal. It may also be helpful in some cases to force quit the app, or to restart your device.
If you notice that your data between the website and app are still not syncing, please take a moment to manually enter your entries in your diary on the website, as uninstalling the app will remove any entries from your mobile device that have not synced over. If the data is shown in your diary on the website, it should sync to the app upon reinstalling. Please do not uninstall the app if you are not using a supported device.
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