The MyFitnessPal Community utilizes four types of posts; Discussions, Ideas, Questions, and Polls.
Discussions are the default type of post in the MyFitnessPal Community. If you’re unsure what kind of Post to make, a Discussion is a safe bet. Replies to a Discussion are listed in a linear chronological post order.
Ideas are used to submit feature suggestions to MyFitnessPal, and can only be posted in the Feature Suggestions and Ideas Category. Once created, other members can “upvote” Ideas to show their support.
Questions are great tools to use when looking for a specific answer to your query rather than an open-ended discussion about a topic. Unlike Discussions, the Original Poster (OP) of a Question can select a Reply as the “Best Answer”. Best Answers are shown at the top of the Post so that users with the same question can easily find their answers later.
Polls allow members to poll the community for their opinion on the posed question. In addition to choosing an option, users can also leave comments to expand the conversation.
Creating a Post:
How to Post in the Forums in a Desktop Browser
To begin posting in the forums, click the "Community" tab at the top of the website. Then, select the most appropriate forum category for your post from the list of categories (e.g. Getting Started, Fitness and Exercise, Success Stories, etc.). To post a new discussion, idea, poll, or question, click the "New Post" button in the top right and select the posting option you would like to use. Another option is to click on an existing topic, type your comment at the bottom of the page in the “Leave a Comment” field, and click the “Post Reply" button.How to Post in the Forums in our Android and iOS apps
To begin posting in the forums, tap "Community" in the menu or “More” screen. To post a new discussion, idea, poll, or question, tap the floating "+" button in the bottom right and select the posting option you would like to use. Then, select the most appropriate forum category for your post from the list of categories (e.g. Getting Started, Fitness and Exercise, Success Stories, etc.). Another option is to tap on an existing topic, type your comment in the “Leave a Comment” field at the page bottom, and tap the “Post Reply" button.
- The Discussion Title is a brief synopsis of your post that will be shown in Recent Discussions and in the Category you have selected for the post.
- The Post Body should contain most of your post’s content- whether it be a question you would like to ask or the start of a discussion.
- Tags offer a way to further categorize your post with other similar discussion topics. Members can search for posts containing specific tags.
- You can use @Username Mentions to tag a friend into a discussion. Users have the ability to react to your post once it has been posted with Insightful, Inspiring, Like, and Hug Reactions.
Please keep in mind that our message boards are public, and when you make something publicly available on the Internet, it becomes practically impossible to take down all copies of it in the future. If you need help removing your posts, please click here for more information.
Please make sure to follow our community guidelines when posting in the forums.
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