If you find a photo on our site that you feel is in violation of our Community Guidelines, we encourage you to report the post so we can review the content. Once an image is reported, it will be reviewed by the staff.
Reporting Inappropriate Profile images
Please contact staff by emailing us directly here. or send us a private message.
Reporting Inappropriate Community Images
- In a Desktop Browser: Reporting options are found in the “Flag” menu at the bottom left of a post.
- In a Mobile Browser or our Android and iOS apps:
Reporting options are found by tapping “Flag” at the bottom left edge of a post.
Site Photo Guidelines:
Guideline 4: Keep it Classy (we mean your images)
All images on the site, including all profile pictures and images posted in the forums, should be work-place friendly. While we reserve the right to remove any photo we feel is inappropriate, here are some partial guidelines as to what is not acceptable:
- I will share my success photos and progress photos.
- I will keep it classy by wearing tight-fitting spandex instead of my undies to show my progress.
- I will post authentic photos that I have permission to use.
- I will be mindful that this is a workplace friendly site. If you wouldn’t share the image with your boss or your child, please don’t post it here.
- I won’t post hateful, violent or graphic imagery.
- I won’t post nudity, pornography, or NSFW images.
- I won’t post images containing profanity.
- I won’t post political images.
- I won’t post photos containing excessive cleavage (if you would wear it to work, it’s probably OK).
- I won’t post close-up shots of cleavage, butt, breasts or crotch in any state of dress.
- I won’t post photos in which hands or objects are the only bodily covering,
- I won’t post photos in my undies (underwear, bras, lingerie, thongs, g-strings, or banana hammocks).
If you are photographing yourself to demonstrate successful weight loss, tight-fitting spandex is a great way to show the change in your shape, while still abiding by these guidelines. Photos altered to present inaccurate weight-loss results are prohibited. Please keep the experience at MyFitnessPal encouraging by keeping your "success" photos authentic.
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